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Mayor's Challenge

The concept was straightforward. First, define what a city needed to thrive. Second, get the data that would show how the city measured up. Third, get the community and the city government together to take action on the what needed to be improved.


RAND, Bloomberg Philanthropies


2012 - Present

Service Offered:

City of Santa Monica City Planning

project details

Santa Monica was one of just five cities selected by Bloomberg Philanthropies to make innovation happen. It was awarded $1 million to launch The Wellbeing Project. The idea? Let’s go beyond economic indicators and use the science of wellbeing. Let’s understand what we’re doing well – and where we as a community can take steps to improve.

Partnering with the RAND Corporation, the New Economics Foundation, and a team of experts around the world, The Wellbeing Project spent more than a year researching the factors that make a city thrive. It went in search of the best ways to measure those factors. And now, through the Wellbeing Index, it is sharing a detailed set of findings that show where Santa Monica is now to help set the course for where we should go.

The process is a dynamic one. Continuously measuring wellbeing will become a foundation of Santa Monica government, building a streamlined system to figure out more quickly, more precisely, and more cost-effectively what will make Santa Monica thrive.


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