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social impact

My Projects

Outside of my speaking and writing, I've done nothing in my professional career other than work for social change and justice. I founded my first nonprofit organization in my dorm room in college, which grew to become a national mentoring, and advocacy organization for people with learning differences. Since than I’ve created a number of social change initiatives all around the country that tackle diverse social challenges such as youth unemployment, college retention, creative economy entrepreneurship and workforce development, well-being and city policy, cradle to career systems building, and place based community development.

These projects have been recognized for their social innovation and impact—Eye-To-Eye was featured on PBS, The Santa Monica wellbeing project won Bloomberg philanthropies Mayors challenge and was recognized as one of the most innovative ideas in local government in the world, my work on youth entrepreneurship was featured in Fast company’s series on “world changing ideas and innovations”; and Vice president al gore called my project on creative economy workforce development “the most innovative training program for 21st century jobs in the country”; but more important than the awards is that fact that these organizations and projects have made a differences in peoples lives.

Check these projects out, stay connected to learn about new ones, and be in touch if I can support your vision for a better world.

book jonathan mooney

If you have an event, a publication, or neurodiversity need you would like to have Jonathan collaborate with you on, please don't hesitate to reach out with questions.


Appointments can be arranged for audio or video chat sessions.


We're always available for connection via email and will reply promptly.


If you have an opportunity you'd like Jonathan to consider, reach out.